Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Taken by Birds

It's near the middle of January here but yesterday there were thunderstorms and it was 64F. I wish the weather would make up its mind! I started work on a wreath yesterday but late/early hours at work mean I don't have much time to myself in the evenings. Victoria Bergsman's solo project, Taken By Trees is keeping my ears busy at least! Her hair always makes me want to cut mine. If only it were straighter. Anyway, have a listen!

So, we've taken care of your ears, what about your eyes? Feast them on this cute animated promo spot by Yves Geleyn, who has more cute video goodness on his site. (via Damian)


Francesca said...

gorgeous gorgeous animation.

kat said...

So glad I stumbled upon your beautiful site - I recently posted about birds being such an overexposed trend (although I still love them). But I'm seeing birdcages everywhere - perhaps that's a new angle on the subject? What do you think?