I'm not one for passport holders, but since I plan to travel alot more this year I could make an exception for this fantastic passport holder by Tinymeat. It's always great to have a nice bag for the Flickr "whatsinmybag" crowd. Maybe one day!
I really seem to like artwork that features human/animal hybrids or any combination of the two, and Ashley Goldberg's prints fit the bill well! Her buttons are fantastic also, think I might get a pack...
Today on Chicago-based Gapers Block, Dave Coulter writes a sweet article on a place I used to visit when i was little, The Montrose Bird Sanctuary. I used to take a notebook, binoculars, and a crappy bird caller with me (and had no luck!). Anyway, take a look:
I'm a huge fan of street art, and of course birds, and I'm pretty excited someone in Sweden has been doing these paste-ups. Not sure who the artist is but I really want to find out! Flickr users Wrote & Ruminatrix have been documenting these. Beautiful.
I saw Amy's products over the weekend and the brightly colored journals and address books were nicely designed. Check out her website too as she also has so much other great stuff on there (including some great photography).
Swedish artist Camilla Engman's, which seems very centered in nature, has so many items on her site that i want to purchase. It's all very fresh and makes me think of Spring!
Over at the Giant Robot store they have a fantastic solar-powered chirping bird by Tomy Kotoridayori. This would add some fun to any room!
photo by my friend Jessica. It feels like this in Chicago today.
Condor egg could herald return of giant. So yesterday there was news of Bald Eagles returning to Philadelphia, and today CNN reports on Condors coming back to Baja California.
Over at BuyOlympia.com I came across these tags for .99 by Sesame Letterpress. They also have other tags for sale (though some are sold out unfortunately).
Monday, April 2, 2007
Canoe's shop in Portland has some great items in any category, including some fun items like these bird callers from France. I'd love to visit this store soon since they have prices for every budget. It's tempting to post on all their items but I'll contain myself!
Birds build nests on window sills after Israeli forces destroy trees. This is pretty disturbing, and a very overlooked aspect of that area of the world which is home to humans but many animals such as birds as well. Interesting to see how they're affected by conflict in the region.
So I've been watching Discovery Channel's Planet Earth series which has been incredible so far, especially since it's featured some pretty incredible bird footage of all kinds. Check it out, or you can also check out some clips on their site as well as Yahoo's.